The District Wants to Hear From You! Share Your Thoughts by Completing the SEQ
Posted on 12/21/2023
Palm Beach County School District’s School Effectiveness Questionnaire (SEQ) gives parents of enrolled students in all elementary, middle, and high school grades, students in grades three through 12, and school-based staff, an opportunity to submit feedback to the District. Participation is strongly encouraged.
Responses to the SEQ provide important information that helps schools and the District develop and sustain Academic Excellence and Growth, and a Student Focused Culture, which are central themes in the Strategic Plan. Other themes addressed by the SEQ include School Climate, Mental Health and Wellness, and Parental Involvement.
Parents and guardians can go to this link to access the survey. Students in grades three through 12 are invited to take the student version of the SEQ, which can be accessed by searching for “SEQ” in the Portal. School-based employees, both instructional and non-instructional, must access the SEQ through the Portal.
The SEQ will be open during the following dates:
SEQ Parent Survey
• Opens on Tuesday, January 2, 2024.
• Closes on Monday, February 26, 2024.
SEQ Student Survey
• Opens on Monday, January 29, 2024.
• Closes on Monday, February 26, 2024.
SEQ School-Based Staff Survey
• Opens on Tuesday, January 2, 2024.
• Closes on Monday, February 26, 2024.
The SEQ is expected to take less than 10 minutes to complete. Responses and feedback from parents is essential. Research shows that student and parent engagement in schools can improve student achievement, reduce absenteeism, and increase parent confidence in their children’s education. Students with involved parents or other caregivers often earn higher grades and test scores, have better social skills, and show improved behavior. Additionally, by engaging teachers and staff, the school community can create an environment in which everyone is welcomed, supported, and feels safe.
Any questions about the survey can be directed to Lee Kolbert – Manager, Performance Accountability at School administrators can also be contacted for further assistance.