Graduation Rate Report
In October 2008, the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) issued new directives for graduation rates. These new regulations require each state to calculate a four-year adjusted cohort rate, which follows students for four years after entering the ninth-grade for the first time. The USDOE adopted this calculation method in an effort to streamline graduation rate calculations and establish uniform, accurate, and comparable rates across all states.
Starting with FY12, the school grade accountability system for the State of Florida changed from using the National Governors Association (NGA) rate to the Federal Graduation Rate. The Federal rate represents a higher standard than the NGA rate.
Graduation Executive Summaries
The below executive summaries provide historical summaries, current graduation rates, and additional analyses. Rates are reported for specific demographics and for District-Operated and Charter schools separately.
Graduation Rate Exploration Tool
The Graduation Rate Exploration Tool allows schools to explore their graduation data and address individual areas of interest.
(View the Graduation Exploration Tool)
Note: This data represents FY2023 graduates. FY2024 data is anticipated by January 24th, 2025