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School Grade Analysis Tool

School grades provide an easily understandable metric to measure the performance of a school. Parents and the general public can use the school grade and its associated components to understand how well each school is serving its students. During the FY23 school year, the FDOE transitioned from the Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) to the Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST). Therefore, beginning with FY23, the FAST provides the foundation for school grades, which are based on a system adopted by the State Board of Education (SBOE). The school grading system is based on the percentage of total points earned on several components, including achievement, learning gains for all students and for the lowest 25% students, high school graduation rates, as well as acceleration success in middle and high school.  

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School Grade Executive Summary

The FY2024 School Grade Executive Summary provides an overall analysis of Palm Beach County's District and School Grades. 

School Grade and Federal Percent of Points Dashboards

The below image links to dashboards that allow schools to further analyze their School Grades and Federal Percent of Points.

The School Grade Analysis Tool is based on aggregated information from the state School Grade files.  This dashboard allows various views of the data filtered by school, region, school board district, gender, school level, and race/ethnicity. At the bottom of the dashboard is an area for the official school grade which will only populate when a single school is selected and only if that school received a grade. If none of the filters are selected, the data represent the District performance, however there may be rounding differences. Note that as you select a region, district, grade level, school type or race/ethnic group the list of schools will adjust to include only schools that exist in that group. For example, if you select “Yes” in the Charter School filter only Charters will show in the school list. “NA” will appear in the results if there are no data for that cell, year, or if a school grade component does not apply. Please note this is an estimator tool and calculated results may not reflect the official release from FDOE. For official results please go to:

School Grade Analysis Tool



Click to View the Dashboard





   (View the school grade analysis tool)

Federal Percent of Points Historical Summary


Click to View the Dashboard





          (View the Historical summary)

Prior Years