Strategic Plan Development
Palm Beach County School District developed its next strategic plan, that outlines the District’s top priorities over the next three to five years and provides a collective focus for us as an organization.
All of the resources created around the development of the strategic plan are centralized here so that students, parents, community organizations, District employees, and other stakeholders can see the development process and how it unfolded.
Timeline for Strategic Plan Development
The journey toward the new strategic plan started in March 2021. The following timeline outlines how the process unfolded to have a final, Board-approved plan in place before the first day of the 2022-2023 school year.
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Feedback collected from students, parents, community organizations, District employees, and other stakeholders was used to inform the development of draft goals and associated measures for the new strategic plan.
A stakeholder engagement subcommittee composed of internal District staff representing multiple departments has created an engagement plan that includes a Phase 1 Survey for collecting community input as well as Phase 2 Focus Groups. The stakeholder engagement plan was designed to provide individuals with multiple outlets for feedback, and a high level overview of the plan can be seen below.
Phase 1
February - April 2021
Evaluar - Evalye - Avaliar
Start, Stop, Continue Reflection Activity using current strategic plan:
- School Board
- District Staff
- School-based Employees
- Community*
Phase 2
May2021 - June 2022
Validar - Valide - Validar
Goals and associated measures drafted by Steering Committee based on feedback collected during Phase 1; drafts shared with focus groups and District leadershipto inform needed revisions:
- School Board
- District Staff
- School-Based Employees
- Community*
Phase 3
July 2022 and Beyond
Cultivar - Devlope - Aperfeiçoar
Draft themes and priority student outcomes based on targeted feedback collected from District leadership, parents, students, and staff; shared revised themes and priority student outcomes with School Board for approval (August 2022).
Engage all stakeholders in implementation efforts.
*The term Community is used to include parents, students, business partners, non-profits, municipalities, elected officials, etc.