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Survivor Benefits

The information below has been created to assist family members who have lost a loved one previously employed with the District with contact and processing information regarding possible Survivor's Benefits.

The School District of Palm Beach County understands that during times of bereavement, it can be difficult to be concerned about various business matters that may need your attention. Because of this, we have provided the information below to assist you.

For former employees (who have not retired from the District)
If your spouse, significant other or family member was not actively employed with the District at the time of their passing, please contact the FRS (Florida Retirement System) at 844‐377‐1888 (toll free) or 850‐907‐6500. You will be prompted to make a choice to reach the correct department.

For current or District‐retired employees
If your spouse, significant other or family member was actively employed with the District at the time of their passing, or they were retired from the District, the Estate/Beneficiary will need to contact or submit documentation to the following Departments:

Benefits and Risk Management
For information regarding possible benefits such as life insurance policies, 401K, 403B, etc., please call 561‐357‐1170.

  • If the employee is currently enrolled in a Life Insurance plan with the District, the Benefits Technician will submit an application to MetLife and MetLife will contact the Estate/Beneficiary regarding any additional paperwork required.
  • If the employee had a policy with Trustmark, 401A or 403B, the Benefits Technician will give the contact information to the Estate/Beneficiary. The Estate/Beneficiary can contact the applicable agency/company for further instructions.

Compensation & Employee Information Services Department (Retirement Division)
For information regarding FRS Survivor’s Benefits:

  • Please send a certified copy of the death certificate (long form, does not need to be the original) to the School District of Palm Beach County’s Retirement Department. The document may either be presented in person (Suite A‐115), or can be sent to the address below. For questions, please contact the HR Customer Care Center at 561‐434‐8777 (Press 1 for HR).

Compensation & Employee Information Services
Attention: Retirement
3300 Forest Hill Blvd., Suite A‐115
West Palm Beach, FL 33406

  • Once received, the Retirement Department will send the document to the FRS (Florida Retirement System). FRS will send a letter to the survivor regarding survivor benefits and additional paperwork needed. The FRS Survivors Benefits department can be contacted by:

Phone: 844‐377‐1888 (Main FRS number. Choose Option 2)

Sick Time or Annual Time Payout Inquiries
Payout of eligible sick time will go to the Beneficiary listed in the PBCSD system which the employee updated during open enrollment. If there is no Beneficiary on file, any eligible earned sick or annual payout goes to the estate of the deceased.

  • Annual Time is paid out at 100%.
  • Sick Time is paid out based on FRS service time.

Employees who were continuously employed 10 years with the District prior to their death, will have their remaining sick time, to the maximum IRS limitations, sent to BENCOR. If a beneficiary is listed with BENCOR, that beneficiary listed will supersede any named beneficiary listed with the School District.

  • To verify the employee’s continuous years of service with the District, the Estate/Beneficiary can contact the HR Customer Care Center at 561‐434‐8777 (Press 1 for HR).
  • To request payout, when applicable, the Estate/Beneficiary must contact BENCOR at 866‐296‐9712.