Professional Development
Professional Development - Grow in Your Practice
We are committed to providing, promoting, and monitoring high-quality professional learning that increases the effectiveness of our instructional and non-instructional personnel. Programs include:
New Educator Induction and Support
Clinical Education Training (CET)
Professional Development Opportunities (Online, Blended, Face to Face)
Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) Teacher Support
Professional Learning Certification Program (PLCP) - Alternative Certification
Teacher Development, Evaluation, and Professional Learning Communities
Teacher Leadership Development - Empowering Teachers to Learn and Grow
Leadership Development - Take Your Career to the Next Level
From aspiring leaders to seasoned administrators, Palm Beach County School District’s leadership development programs focus on improving student achievement by providing rigorous and relevant professional development opportunities.
These programs are designed to prepare and support our creative and passionate leaders with interpersonal skills, communication and conceptual skills, and group leadership skills to lead schools toward improving student learning and academic growth.
Preparing Future Principals' Program (PFPP)
Principals' Leadership Academy
Aspiring Assistant Principals Program (AAPP)
Assistant Principals' Leadership Academy (APLA)
Leader Evaluation
Coaching of Current and Aspiring Leaders
FAU UPPI Wallace Grant including Leaders for Excellence and Equity (ExEq) and the Leadership Development System (LDS)