Suicide Prevention
Suicide awareness and prevention is just one way to ensure the health and well-being of all students. The Department of Behavioral and Mental Health is committed to providing information for educators to assist in understanding the myths and facts surrounding suicide, recognize protective and risk factors, and warning signs and symptoms of someone who is at risk of dying by suicide. It is important to remember suicidal thoughts are a symptom, just like any other — they can be treated, and they can improve over time.
The professionals on campus who take a proactive approach to intervene and respond to a student who has suicidal thoughts or behaviors are the School Counselors, School Psychologists, and School Behavioral Health Professionals. As a parent or guardian, you can reach out to them are anytime for support.
Suicide Prevention Resources
Emergency (9-1-1)
Crisis or Information (2-1-1)
Crisis Text Line (Text TWT to 741741)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 9-8-8 or 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
South County Mental Health Mobile Response
• North (561) 693-8681 (for communities north of Southern Boulevard)
• South (561) 637-2102 (for communities south of Southern Boulevard)
• West (561) 382-3555 (for communities in the Glades)