District Design Standards
The purpose of the District Design Standards is to standardize the construction of our schools as much as possible. It was developed with input from District Staff, outside Design Professionals, and other interested stakeholders. It is also the district intends to amend the document annually. The District Staff will review all proposed amendments and make appropriate changes to the base document on an annual basis, and release addendums as necessary.
The District Design Standards are divided into two documents:
(1) District Design Criteria and
(2) District Master Specifications. The District Design Criteria is used by the Design Professional in conjunction with the Educational Specifications and District Master Specifications (DMS) to develop the design and contract documents. The District Master Specifications are the minimum standards for all projects on School District property.
The District Design Criteria files and the District Master Specifications are in Adobe PDF format.
All permits issued after 1/31/2023 will be under the 2023 Editions of the District Design Criteria (DDC) and the District Master Specifications (DMS). DDS and DMS for permits issued prior to 1/31/2023 can be found on the Archives tab.