Recycling Information
Recycling is an important initiative in Palm Beach County School District. Proper recycling practices preserve natural resources, decrease waste hauling costs, and contribute to the State of Florida's 75% recycling goal. Below is a list of programs that schools and ancillary facilities are encouraged to participate in to support the District-wide environmental stewardship initiative.
To report a missed pickup of cardboard recycling or commingled (plastic/aluminum/glass) recycling, contact the Utilities Section at 561-687-7119 or email
For the most updated recycling procedures and contact information, please refer to the Recycling Bulletin.
FY23 Recycling Tonnage
5,866 Cardboard
767 Commingled
76 Paper
193 E-Waste
5 Scrap Metal
103 Tires
100 Textiles
21 Light bulbs
10 Oil filled ballasts
0.7 Paint
1 Batteries
1 Ink and Toner
*numbers listed in tons
7,143.7 Tons