David Dolan Biography
David Dolan came to Palm Beach County School District in 2017 from Palm Beach County government, where he worked with the Capital Improvements Division for over 10 years. Originally from New Jersey and Northern Virginia, Mr. Dolan earned a bachelor’s degree in architecture, with a minor in civil engineering, from Lehigh University and an MBA from Florida Atlantic University with over 20 years in the public sector. Mr. Dolan’s education and experience in both architecture and civil engineering disciplines led to his management of various capital programs, specializing in park facilities and government office building renovations/hardening.
As the Deputy Chief of Facilities Management, Mr. Dolan oversees the departments of Building Code Services, Environmental and Conservation Services and Facilities Construction and administers the Construction Oversight Review Committee. He also administers the District’s capital development program, managing the 2016 $1.6 billion Sales Tax Referendum with the support of an outside program management firm. Mr. Dolan is a Board Member for the Palm Beach/Martin County Chapter of the ACE (Architecture, Construction, Engineering) Mentor Program and is the District’s Facilities representative on the Council of the Great City Schools and on the Glades Career Readiness Roundtable.