IT Enterprise Applications
Dawn Pumphrey, Director
Phone: (561) 434-8426
3300 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite B-241
West Palm Beach, FL 33406
Phone: (561) 242-4100 (IT Service Desk for technical issues)
Purpose and Functions
IT Enterprise Applications, within the Division of IT, provides support for enterprise educational and business applications for students, parents, and staff.
The department supports enterprise applications such as the Student Information System (SIS), Google Apps for Education, Gmail, Google Classroom for Chromebooks, District Portal, eForms such as IEP, Tririga, EDW data integrations, ERP technical processing, and FTE DOE State reporting. One of the department’s goals is to provide the technology platform to encourage collaboration and information sharing necessary in today’s classroom.
School District and charter school employees with technology-related issues may contact the IT Service Desk at or 242-4100.