Degree Pathways to Becoming a Teacher
These programs are for non-instructional employees with an associates degree or 60+ earned college credits to earn their first bachelor’s degree.
Palm Beach Associate Teacher Program (PBATP)
The Palm Beach County School District has partnered with BloomBoard and a college/university to offer The Palm Beach Associate Teacher Program. This NON-TRADITIONAL Bachelor’s Degree pathway is a portfolio-based, on-the-job program for non-instructional and temporary employees aspiring to become certified, full-time Elementary Education or Exceptional Student Education (ESE) teachers in two years.
Who is eligible?
To be eligible for the program, candidates:
- Must be employed with the School District of Palm Beach County
- Must currently hold an Associates degree or 60+ college credits
- Cannot already hold a Bachelor's degree
- Must be seeking a degree in Elementary or ESE
Participants will complete the two years necessary to earn a fully accredited Bachelor’s Degree on-the-job while working as a teacher of record in a full-time classroom placement.
Course assignments include:
Exploring learning activities
Building artifacts of practice from classroom placement
Receiving artifact assessments with specific feedback
Videoing and reflecting
Job Responsibilities
Participants will be assigned to a school-based vacancy as an Associate Teacher Substitute and will be the full-time teacher of record for a classroom of students. They will perform essential functions for their classroom such as:
Assisting students with their seatwork
Facilitating small group instruction
Creating lesson plans
Checking papers and recording grades
Establishing a relevant and inclusive learning environment for all students, including visual aids, bulletin boards, etc.
To view the entire job description for the Associate Teacher Substitute, click here.
The Associate Teacher Substitute position is a full-time, regular, salaried position that is eligible for benefits. The current salary for this position is $33,711.60 per year, which equates to $1,296.60 biweekly payments. Employees will receive these payments throughout the year (summer included) in a total of 26 paychecks.
Program Costs
Tuition for the Bachelor’s Degree program is supported by the School District of Palm Beach County. If at any time a participant chooses to withdraw from the program, they will be responsible for reimbursing the District tuition costs. Participants are responsible for some program costs.
How to Apply
Employees interested in the program should notify their current Principal/Director. Email communication will be sent to non-instructional employees when the application window opens for the next cohort.
Nova Southeastern University (NSU): Pathway to Teaching
This TRADITIONAL Bachelor’s Degree pathway is for those aspiring to become certified, full-time Elementary Education teachers in two years. More information to come.