Teenage Parent Program
The Teenage Parent Program (TPP) is a voluntary program for expecting and teen parents. The program is designed to provide support to TPP students as they work towards their high school diplomas. The program includes the following services:
- Academics
- Parenting Education
- Childcare
- Health Services
- Social Services
- Transportation
Katia Hildebert
Teen Parent Program Specialist
Office (561) 434-8640 District Cell (561) 222-6223
Isabel Hernandez
Forest Hill High
It was all so bitter sweet. Being someone who struggled throughout their four years of high school.
I never thought I would see the day I walked that stage.
But to be there and enjoy the most memorable moment of my life with family, friends and my son, whom I am so grateful for because he pushed me through it all.
Maritza Segura
Lake Worth High School
Having a baby is special when you are older but when you have a baby when you are young like me in high school is hard.
I needed to sacrifice ….my time, friends, prom, grad bash, other fun things in order to take care of my baby.
I didn’t set out to be single parent, but, I set out to be the best parent to my son.
Being a good mother has nothing not do with your age but more the size of your heart.
Being a good mother means you will do anything to protect and care for your child, nothing else matters!
Parenting is not for everyone. You have to sacrifice and grow up.
I have so many supporters. I will always be thankful for them.
Hillary Contreras
Atlantic High School
It's time for the sound of "Pom and Circumstance" as high school seniors at Atlantic High School collect their diplomas at the school's graduation ceremony at the South Florida Fairgrounds.
This is the first year that graduations are back to normal since the pandemic began. COVID cancelled the ceremonies altogether in 2020 and caused curbs last year on the festivities. (Palm Beach Post)