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School Improvement

Dr. Natalie Cromwell, Director, School Improvement
Phone: (561) 357-7654
3300 Forest Hill Boulevard, B-250
West Palm Beach, FL 33406

Purpose and Functions

School Improvement is a continuous process to ensure that all students are provided access, opportunity, and support to achieve at high levels.

Vision: The Department of School Improvement is composed of high-performance professionals who meet the data needs of ALL schools through common product offerings, professional development, and data consulting services.

Mission: The role of the Department of School Improvement is to ensure a culture of academic excellence and growth; supporting a continuous improvement process for schools and various departments within the district.  The department strives to elevate both student outcomes and overall school effectiveness by the implementation of state mandates and compliance pertaining to data analysis, school improvement, and system accreditation. 

Services Provided
Collaboratively engaging with schools by:

  • Equipping school leaders and teachers with the tools to identify areas of growth
  • Analyzing performance metrics and developing tailored strategies according to the benchmarks
  • Closing the student achievement gap with timely data-driven decisions to impact student learning
  • Communicating to all stakeholders the School Improvement, School Advisory Council and related Differentiated Accountability requirements, and facilitating compliance with FLDOE
  • Providing workshops and training sessions that Educate, Affirm, and Inspire school leaders and teachers

Current Year Accomplishments

  • Transition to various forms of professional development (webinars, videos, google meets, virtual labs, & face to face, etc.) 
  • Aligned the school improvement planning process to the District Strategic Plan through a three-phase process (Developing, Monitoring, and Reflecting) 
  • Implementation of the New EDW Admin Liaison, EDW for Teachers Liaison, and School Improvement Google Classrooms for resources aligned with continuous improvement
  • Implementation of the School Improvement Plan (SIP) district monitoring
  • Implementation of sample SIP compliance documents (bylaws, data reports, monitoring checklists, and exemplars) 
  • Created data analytic systems for progress monitoring of new B.E.S.T. Standards
  • Earned the District Accreditation from Cognia for 2023-2029 

Department Goals
Goal 1: To impact schools by offering data analysis consulting; and collaborating with educators to dissect academic data unveiling insights that drive informed decision-making. 

Goal 2: To implement a three-phase process (Developing, Monitoring, and Reflecting) towards continuous improvement that integrates the strategic plan initiatives into each school improvement plan to achieve and monitor long-term outcomes.