Virtual and Home Educational Services
Bradley S. L. Henry, Director
Phone: (561) 790-9821
1800 Osceola Drive
West Palm Beach, FL 33409
Purpose and Functions
Home Education: A parent-directed educational option that satisfies the requirement for regular school attendance. Parents have the freedom to determine their child's educational path and plan for reaching their goals. Students have the opportunity to explore and learn at their own pace, in any location or at any time.
Hospital Homebound Instructional Services: A temporary intervention not intended to replace the classroom experience. Services provided are limited when compared to a comprehensive campus. The primary goal is to minimize instructional gaps by providing access to the curriculum while the student is medically confined and to promote re-entry into a traditional setting.
Palm Beach Virtual School: A grade K-12 school option in Palm Beach County. Full-time and part-time options are offered to students. All full-time students work on a flexible schedule. Students are expected to meet course progression and weekly pace guidelines as well as participate in all district and statewide testing. All virtual courses are asynchronous.