Donated Resources Help Support Bak Middle School of the Arts
Donated Resources Help Support Bak Middle School of the Arts
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many local organizations stepped up to help District schools. For Bak Middle School of the Arts, their business partner Joe DiMaggio Children’s Health Specialty Center in Wellington offered valuable assistance through a number of initiatives.
During the initial stages of the pandemic, the team at the Center sprang into action by providing factual medical information to the Bak Middle School community, through a series of webinars and other online content.
When school buildings closed and students were engaged in distance learning, the Center provided additional content with valuable tips for parents to guide their children in self-care and technology decompression strategies.
When in-person learning resumed, the team at the Center went above and beyond, donating 1,000 individually-sized bottles of hand sanitizer, ensuring each student returning to the school campus had their own bottle of sanitizer to keep with them at all times.
The Center also donated hundreds of disposable masks, and nearly 1,000 reusable tote bags that were used for student locker clean up and handed out to teachers in the spring as a show of appreciation.
The generosity displayed by Joe DiMaggio Children’s Health Specialty Center during the COVID-19 crisis is in addition to their traditional annual support as a Business Partner which includes financial assistance, injury prevention workshops for dance students, and a dedicated appointment line for the families of Bak Middle School students.
For additional information, contact:
Susy Diaz Piesco – Business Partner Volunteer Coordinator, Bak Middle School of the Arts at 561-882-3828.