iHeart Radio School Volunteer Coordinator of the Year
Dora Lopez – Gove Elementary School
iHeart Radio’s 2020-2021 Volunteer Coordinator of the Year
This outstanding volunteer coordinator has worked at Gove Elementary School for the past eight years as their Choice Coordinator. In addition to that role, she handles Community Outreach, and also serves as the Volunteer Coordinator, Business Partner Coordinator, and Five Star Coordinator.
She supports students, staff, and families in many important ways. She recruits students to participate in Gove’s Dual Language Program in addition to working with parents and students in the choice program to ensure they get all the available benefits from their enrollment. She coordinates a Choice Week at the school to celebrate school choice and help the sixth grade students make decisions about which school they will attend in the seventh grade.
This special lady manages all of the community outreach programs. She recruits business partners to support Gove Elementary and keeps track of the volunteers. On a weekly basis, she communicates with the local newspaper to share all the wonderful things happening at Gove.
She works with Back to Basics, a program that ensures the students at Gove have uniforms and gifts at Christmas. She organizes programs for families and students such as the Dental program for Pre-K, second, and third grade students, and the University of Florida Family Nutrition program offered to students through fine arts.
Mrs. Lopez keeps parents informed by providing monthly calendars and copies of everything happening at Gove Elementary. She delivers training for parents, provides translation for the School Advisory Committee and other parent events, and keeps track of parental involvement for Title I.
When the new websites rolled out from the District, she was very courageous and took on the role of website manager. She also serves as the school historian taking pictures and documenting events for the website and yearbook. And let’s not forget that she works with a small group of students to help them be academically successful. Additionally, in years past she has facilitated a student club.
“Dora Lopez is invaluable and everyone is so proud of all that she does to support and highlight Gove Elementary School,” said Kim Thomasson, the school’s principal.
“On a personal note, working with Dora has been phenomenal. She is invested in the students and it shows with her hard work and dedication. She is an exceptional individual who truly cares,” said Stacey Oak, the District’s Volunteer Coordinator.
Dora Lopez, congratulations on being Palm Beach County School District’s Volunteer Coordinator of the Year!