Citizens Academy
In order to acquaint community leaders and the various education stakeholders on its academic functions and Palm Beach County School District (SDPBC) announced the presentation of the Citizens Academy.
During the Citizens Academy, information will be shared with participants about the education system of SDPBC that will give them the necessary knowledge to better support education and inform and motivate their respective community for increase involvement for the academic achievement of all students. The goal is to create engaged partnerships with informed stakeholders that will become more equipped as education advocates in the county for the benefit of our community at large.
Palm Beach County School District is the eleventh largest in the nation and the fifth largest in the state of Florida with 185 schools, serving more than 183,000 students who speak 150 languages and dialects. As the largest employer in PBC, the school district has nearly 21,000 employees, including more than 12,000 teachers.
The school district invites businesses and community organizations to get involved in making the Citizens Academies a success by considering a sponsorship to provide donations from $ 500 to $5,000. All philanthropic gifts made to the school district through the Education Foundation of Palm Beach County are tax-deductible.
The Citizens Academy initiative be publicized to the whole district’s network in the community at large; promoted through a media advisory, Facebook post with 8k subscribers; Twitter with 10k subscribers; plus 10k subscribers to the Superintendent’s page. Sponsors’ representatives will be included at the Board presentation (televised), as well as in a district produced that will be shown on The Education Network (TEN), YouTube and to various audiences. In exchange for your generosity, contributing businesses/organizations will receive the following:
Branding & Marketing:
- Recognition in Web Story, at Board Meetings, in printed materials to participants
- Recognition in printed materials to participants
Event Recognition:
- Recognition during the Citizen Academy sessions
Social Media:
- Recognition on social media platforms, web page, Facebook, and Twitter
- And more
For more information regarding this sponsorship opportunity contact Bito David at 561-963-3820
Click here to donate now
Sponsorship Opportunities
Platinum Sponsors: $5,000
- Recognition in Web Story
- Sponsor recognition at meeting when academy participants receive their certificate
- FaceBook and Twitter
- Sponsor recognition in Television Education Network video
- Name and Logo Prominently displayed on Engagement Website
- Name and Logo printed on Academy agenda and other printed materials distributed to participants
- Recognition during of Academy
Gold Sponsors: $2,500
- Name and Logo Prominently displayed on Engagement Website
- Recognition in Web Story
- Facebook and Twitter
- Recognition during of Academy
Silver Sponsors: $1,000
- Name and Logo displayed on Engagement Website
- Facebook and Twitter
- Recognition during of Academy
Bronze Sponsors: $500
- Name and Logo displayed on Engagement Website
- Recognition during of Academy
For more information regarding this sponsorship opportunity, contact Bito David at 561-963-3820
Click here to donate now