Vendor Prequalification Program
Palm Beach County School District (District) invites proposals from qualified Contractors with current licenses in the State of Florida to apply for the District’s Vendor Prequalification Program.
Pursuant to State Requirements for Educational Facilities, Chapter 4, Section 4.1 “Prequalification of Contractors for Educational Facilities Construction”, Prequalification is applicable to Bids (Invitations to Bid), RFP (Request for Proposal) for Construction Management at Risk and Design/Build or any other Construction Services for a Construction Project with an estimated project construction budget of $300,000 or more. The criteria established for Prequalification is in accordance with Chapter 489, Florida Statutes, (SREF) 2014, School Board 7.08 and all other applicable rules, regulations and procedures.
Prequalification is an ongoing program of the District. Applications are reviewed by a Committee comprised of District employees assigned to evaluate and recommend applications. The review and approval process is performed continuously and cut-off dates for submittal of applications are established to ensure timely processing of each application. Applications received after the established cut-off date would be scheduled for the subsequent review and approval period.
A Prequalified firm may compete for project solicitations for one (1) year commencing from the date of School Board approval. Prequalified firms may renew their Prequalification by submitting an Application for Renewal. Renewals are processed in the same manner as an initial Application for Prequalification. To maintain Prequalification, it is recommended a firm submits an Application for Renewal a minimum of 60 days prior to the expiration of their Prequalification to allow sufficient time for the Renewal to be processed prior to the expiration date of their Prequalification.