Coordinated Planning Agencies - Vendors / Suppliers
Contact Information: (561) 882-1941 or 561-882-1940
Sections 1013.33 and 163.31777, Florida Statutes, contain mandates for coordinated planning including an Inter-Local Agreement (ILA) between the School Board and applicable local governments. On August 19, 2015, School Board of Palm Beach County approved the Inter-local Agreement (ILA) for Coordinated Planning. Palm Beach County Board of Commissioners and several municipalities have also approved the ILA. Pursuant to the ILA, School Capacity Availability Determination (SCAD) has been established to replace school concurrency in 2016.
Interlocal Agreement for Coordinated Planning (ILA)
- Approved and Recorded ILA for Coordinated Planning
- List of County/Municipalities that have Adopted ILA
- List of County/Municipalities Approval Status on ILA
SCAD Application Material
- SCAD Review Process
- SCAD Application Form
- Owner/Agent Consent Form
- SCAD Application Checklist
- SCAD Online Payment Instruction
NOTICE: The School District only accepts on-line payments and emailed applications for SCAD submissions.
Please email applications and supporting documents to or
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