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5 Million and Counting: Creating More Opportunity


Five Million and Counting: Creating More Opportunity 

5 Million Group Photo
L to R: Elizabeth Harbur, Jorge Sigler Garcia, Patrick Chrysostome, Dicky Sykes, Jacob Katz, Matt Mahoney and Michelle McKiver

The Office of Diversity in Business Practices’ “Second-tier Pilot Program” with Pirtle/MCO and Moss/Messam is a huge success.  The estimates are in and this pilot program will bring in an additional five million dollars to District-certified SBEs on projects HS-000 and Elementary 05-C; this is after both firms exceeded their tier one 20% goal on their GMP.  In fact, the results is so successful that we are analyzing other primes and projects to determine best fit and manageability.   It is very clear that the Office of Diversity cannot do this work alone.  We need diversity advocates - mentors, sponsors and allies in every corner of the District, along with our prime partners, to make equity not just talk, but an outcome.  Everyone has a part to play in creating more diversity, inclusion and equity. 

What is the difference between equality and equity? Equality means each individual or group or people is given the same resource or opportunities. Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources/opportunities to reach an equal outcome.

Kudos to Matt Mahoney, Project Executive at Moss, and Jacob Katz, Senior Vice President at Pirtle Construction for helping us open up the doors of opportunity for more people, so they too, can be part of the American Dream. Their willingness to be inclusive and expand the scope of opportunity is critical at this moment in time.  The inaugural McKinsey American Opportunity Survey spotlights America’s views on economic opportunity.  They surveyed 25,000 Americans and the results were sobering.  

Americans reported facing numerous barriers to economic opportunity and inclusion. Many respondents said that they feel their very identity limits their access to jobs and fair recognition of their work. McKinsey found similar views in a survey they conducted late last year. The lack of opportunities have been rooted in long-standing systems of inequity and inequality.  “The synergy and teamwork we have exhibited here is critical to making the dream work for more Americans,” says Dicky Sykes, Director of the Office of Diversity in Business Practices.

June 3, 2021 Groundbreaking Ceremony for High School 000
Groundbreaking High School

June 16, 2021 Groundbreaking Ceremony for Elementary School 05-C
Groundbreaking Elementary School