Technology Advisory Committee (TAC)
Purpose and Mission:
To assist the Board in developing and analyzing its technology by providing advice on:
- The District's technical infrastructure for consistency with "Best Industry Practices" and emerging infrastructure technologies;
- The District's Annual Technology Plan and the Five-Year Capital Plan for infrastructure technology elements; and,
- Other matters related to technology as specifically requested by the Board and/or the Superintendent (Policy 1.096.)
Meetings are held at the Fulton Holland Education Service Center (FHESC), in the Board Room. The times and agendas are posted on the District's Meeting calendar prior to each meeting date. School Board Calendar.
Gary Weidenhamer - appointed by Barbara McQuinn, District 1
Cathy Miron - appointed by Alexandria Ayala, District 2
Philip Levine - appointed by Karen Brill, Board Vice Chair, District 3
Michael Fowler, Vice Chair - appointed by Erica Whitfield, District 4
Chris Boniforti - appointed by Frank A. Barbieri, Jr., Esq., Board Chair, District 5
Duane Piper, Chair - appointed by Marcia Andrews, District 6
Radcliffe Brown - appointed by Debra Robinson, M.D., District 7