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Addressing the Board

The School Board of Palm Beach County welcomes and encourages the public  to be involved and attend its meetings. Time is set aside at its public meetings to allow the public, including students, parents, employees, and community members, to address the Board. The procedures for speakers and public comment are found in sub-paragraphs 6(b) and (c) in the newly revised School Board Policy 1.03 under Public Comment, which includes the amount of time to speak and other details, and under Civility and Decorum to Prevent Disruption.

The Public Comment period is designed to gain input from the public. The Board will consider the public comments and any supporting materials provided by speakers.

Registering to Address the Board

Public comment is accepted on agenda topics only at Workshops and Special Meetings, and at Regular Board Meetings on agenda topics and non-agenda topics that relate to educationally relevant topics or pertaining to the education of students or the academics or operations of the School District or its schools. The topics need to be stated.

Please call the Board Office at (561) 434-8136, (561) 434-8139, (561) 434-8038 or (561) 434-7481 or email to sign up by noon the day of the meeting to be added to the speaker's list in advance.

If the deadline has passed, speakers may obtain a blue "Comments by Public" card located just inside the Board Room and submit it to the Board Clerk prior to the meeting being called to order. Once the meeting has been called to order, no additional speakers or comment cards will be accepted.

If you have signs, flags, placards, posters, banners and/or other objects as part of your presentation, a copy must be submitted to the Board Clerk by noon on the day of the meeting for approval if compliant with the standard stated in this Policy for public comment and decorum.

Procedures for Addressing the Board In Person

To ensure the  administration of business and to provide opportunities for input, the School Board of Palm Beach County has adopted these rules found in Policy 1.03 - School Board Meetings. Failure to follow these rules may result in termination of a speaker’s comments.

  • Instructions for addressing the board can be found in BoardDocs.
    • The public can attend the meeting in a room or rooms at the Fulton-Holland Educational Services Center or another location if included in the meeting Notice. A room or rooms will be provided for the public to view, listen, and/or provide public comment. As stated above, speakers must be signed up in advance of the meeting or complete a blue card prior to the meeting being called to order.
  • Speakers note that the microphone will be turned off when the time limit has been reached. However, if arrangements are made by 12:00 p.m., noon on the day of the meeting with the Board Clerk, if the speaker has an interpreter or needs ADA accommodations, reasonable additional time will be provided by the Chair if needed.
  • Speakers will not be denied the opportunity to speak on the basis of their viewpoint; however, the public is urged to follow the procedures in School Board Policy 1.03 before presenting issues or concerns to the Board through public comment.

Write to the Board

Written public comment can be submitted by writing to the Board office or emailing Written comments are limited to 400 words (approximately equal to 3 minutes reading time). To assure written comments are read by School Board Members prior to the meeting, they must be received by noon THE DAY BEFORE the meeting. Any person interested in additional information may contact the Board Office at (561) 434-8136 or view procedures in Policy 1.03 - School Board Meetings.

For more information, please contact Toni Bilotta, Clerk of the School Board, (561) 434-8136.