Public Records Requests
Requesting Public Records
According to Florida law, all public records are open for personal inspection and copying by any person, unless the records are exempt or confidential. If you would like to submit a non-student public records request to Palm Beach County School District (District), one way to obtain the records would be to contact the Office of Public Records Management.
Florida's records management program is authorized by F.S. 257.36 – Records and Information Management and applies to public records as defined in F.S. 119.011 - Definitions. Further, School Board Policy 2.041 guides the District’s implementation of these requirements relating to public records.
To request student records, see Student Records Requests.
Non-Student Records - Public Records Request:
Phone: (561) 738-2788
Fax: (561) 434-8651
By Mail or Email:
Attn: Willie Williams
Public Records Management Office
The Education Network
505 S. Congress Avenue
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
At a mutual time where the requestor and the District agree, or at any other District office or school where such records are maintained for an appointment during business hours.
Attn: Willie Williams
Public Records Management
The Education Network
505 S. Congress Avenue
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Summer Hours:
Monday - Thursday, 7:00 am - 5:30 pm
Note that a requester may be asked to clarify the request if it is ambiguous to the custodian. As a matter of convenience, public records, subject to statutory exemptions or confidentiality and any charges as stated below, are available upon request through various methods of delivery. Public Records may be emailed to the recipient or sent via regular mail to a physical address. The in-person inspection of public records is also available by a mutually agreeable time for an appointment during business hours.
Please be aware that a charge may apply for copying and/or a special service charge for staff time or for extensive use of information technology resources associated with retrieval, reviewing records for statutorily exempt information, and other stated procedures concerning the responsive document(s) or information for a public records request. If a deposit is required for these charges as allowed by F.S. 119.011 - Definitions and School Board Policy 2.041 (Sections 14-17) the requester will be notified.
Contact us:
Office of Public Records Management
C/o The Education Network
505 S. Congress Avenue
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
Phone: (561) 738-2788
Fax: (561) 434-8651