Youth Services
Youth Services Programs
Youth Services (YS) Programs are designed to serve students who are attending a rehabilitation program funded by a county commission or private corporation.
The School District does not determine assignment of students in these programs. Enrollment at these sites is voluntary and strictly based on parent/guardian, individual student, outside- agency, or court-recommended referral. Upon entry into a Youth Services program, the home school will be contacted for withdrawal and transfer of the student’s records.
The Youth Services Programs are divided into two categories:
1. Substance Abuse Residential Treatment Programs
2. Family and Behavior Counseling Residential Programs
Program Goals/Objectives
The goal of these programs is to maintain the student’s continuation in an education program, with accrual of credits, promotion to the next grade level and/or earning a high school diploma during the assignment in a substance abuse, family and behavior counseling or behavior management program.
Agreements between the School District and outside providers are in place to provide educational services to students who are experiencing varying degrees of substance abuse.
These programs serve students who have a documented substance abuse problem and or seek behavior counseling in a residential setting.
Terence Hart, Manager
Terence Hart
(561) 681-6765