Charter School HR Processing
Certification Team
The Certification Team is available to answer questions regarding the potential employee's Certification qualifications, provide assistance with the Certification Application process, and assist with Charter Certification-related issues. Teachers must be eligible for certification in order to be placed in an instructional position. Certification information, process documents, and guides can be found above, on this website, and on the District's main Certification website.
Certification Renewals
The HRIM Team is available to provide PeopleSoft guidance and assistance with the HR PeopleSoft processes below. The HRIM team can be reached via phone (561) 434-8331 or via email at
- Updating Employee Biographical Data
- Entering and Updating Employee Job Information
- DOE Staff Survey Reporting
- Running Employee Data Queries
- of New School Principals into the HR PeopleSoft system
Charter Employee HR Process Overview
Step 1 - Complete the Charter School Authorization Form Process
Must have signatures for each section based on the position (instructional/non-instructional).
Step 2 - Enter the Job into the HR PeopleSoft System
The job must be entered into the HR PeopleSoft system to meet State Reporting requirements. Additionally, the instructional job must exist in the HR PeopleSoft System at least one business day before the employee is available in the SIS/Student Information System.
Step 3 - Call the IT Service Desk at (561) 242-4100 to get set up with Basic Access to District Email and eLearning.*
*Note: eLearning will only be available if your school is participating with the District's Professional Development program.