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Contact Information Updates

Contact Information Updates

To ensure you receive important school updates, parents/guardians are asked to keep their contact information current.  The District and School Sites use the phone numbers and email addresses on file to notify families about important news and events.  

Please update the contact information on your Child’s SIS account with the most current phone number(s), email address(es) and home address whenever there are changes.  

Parents can verify the contact information that is on file at their child’s school through SIS using the following steps:

  • Log in to the SIS Parent Gateway
  • Choose the Child from the list on the left side of the screen, then click CHILD INFO.
  • Click on ADDRESSES & CONTACTS. Hover your cursor over the parent or guardian’s name  You will see what phone numbers and email addresses are associated with each contact. Secondary emergency contacts provided at registration are also displayed.

To update contact information, parents can do one of the following:

  1. Utilize the Student Verification/Update Form found in the Parent Gateway
    • On a web browser, choose the Child from the list on the left side of the screen, then click Forms Summary.   Click on the Student Verification/Update link found listed under each Child.
    • On the app, click on the menu button (three horizontal lines on the top of the screen), then choose Forms.  Click on the green button to start the Student Verification/Update next to the Child in Optional Forms.
  2. Utilize the list of Registration Forms to complete the form needed to update the contact information.
  3. Contact the School’s Gateway Manager to obtain the registration form needed to update the contact information.

If a parent or guardian is not able to log into the SIS Parent Gateway, they may contact the school directly so that the Gateway Manager can provide a PIN to log in. 

If the Child’s mailing address must be updated and is not within the School’s zone, the parent will need to go to the School to update the address.  This would apply to students attending a School through a Choice Program, Controlled Open Enrollment, or Reassignment.