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Hospital Homebound Instructional Services

HH Logo
Hospital Homebound is a temporary ESE eligibility. The services provided are limited and not intended to replicate the classroom experience. Our primary goals are to minimize instructional gaps by providing access to the curriculum while the student is medically confined and to promote re-entry into a traditional school setting. 

Per Bulletin #PO 20-169 DSCOS, any Palm Beach County student can be recommended for Hospital Homebound Instructional Services, if the student meets state requirements and after the zoned-school staff have exhausted appropriate school-based resources. 

Students are eligible for Hospital Homebound Services if:

  • Student has 15 days of absences, does not have to be consecutively
  • Student anticipates missing 15 days of school
  • Student is confined to home or hospital
  • Student has a documented medical or psychiatric condition and treatment plan
  • Student is well enough to participate in their education
  • Student’s health does not endanger the health or safety of the instructor or other students the instructor teaches

Services are provided by certified teachers during afterschool hours. Services are provided in a variety of ways:

  • Virtual Education
  • In Home Instruction
  • Part Time School (On-Campus) Instruction
  • Combination of any of these services

Who do we serve?

We service students who have a medically diagnosed condition which is acute or catastrophic in nature, or a chronic illness, or a repeated intermittent illness due to a persisting medical problem that confines the student to the home or hospital, and restricts activities for an extended period of time.

Eligibility & Instructional Services

Eligibility and all services are determined by the Individualized Education (IEP) team, which typically consists of a Hospital Homebound case manager, the student's zoned school Exceptional Student Education (ESE) staff and the parent/guardian. For students K-5 we offer online coursework through K12Edgenuity is the online platform utilized to provide basic core subjects to students in 6-12th grade. If determined necessary by the IEP team, we also have part-time afterschool in-home ESE Teachers/Therapists available. 

Please contact the ESE Contact at your child's school, if you suspect that Hospital Homebound Instructional Services are needed. If you have more questions regarding Hospital Homebound please review the Parent Informational Handout and feel free to reach out to the Assistant Principal. 
Monique Paramore, Assistant Principal
(561) 681-5943