Parent/Community Resources
Parent On-boarding How to Videos
Procedural Safeguards:
- Procedural Safeguards - English (pdf)
- Procedural Safeguards - Spanish (pdf)
- Procedural Safeguards - Creole (pdf)
- Procedural Safeguards - French (pdf)
- Procedural Safeguards-Portuguese (pdf)
For more languages visit the FL DOE site
State Board Rule regarding IEPs – 6A-6.03028
CPALMS is a source for Educators, Students, and Families
CPALMS is an online toolbox of information, vetted resources, and interactive tools that help educators effectively implement teaching standards. It is the State of Florida’s official source for standards information and course descriptions.
Special Ed Connection®
A web-based resource that parents can use to gain an understanding of what special education is and how it works, as their child enters, progresses through and exits the world of special education requirements. From legal rights to practical application and from student referrals to IEPs, Special Ed Connection® explains specific procedures and provides real-world application strategies so parents can learn the complexities surrounding special education supports and services. Click below for the flyer in pdf.
SpecialEdConnectionflyerforparents (pdf)
ESE Parent Book
This book will introduce you to exceptional student education (ESE) in Florida. It explains the ESE process and key ideas in the state and federal laws about ESE.
- ESE Parent Book (PDF)
- Florida Developmental Disabilities Council Publications
- Agency for Persons with Disabilities
- Florida Health and Transition Services
- 211 Local Resouces and Help Line
Bright Expectations is the Department of Health's website to provide resources and information on developmental disabilities for pregnant women, health care providers, parents, and families. This website is a portal to provide information on evaluation and intervention services, support programs for families, resources for health care providers, and serve as a clearinghouse of information on developmental disabilities.