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Healthy School Teams

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The Wellness Promotion Policy (2.035) requires each school to establish a Healthy School Team (HST) to ensure schools are creating healthier environments with a cohesive wellness culture and remain in compliance with the Smart Snacks in School Standards. Under the direction of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS), the School Food Service (SFS) Department oversees HST. To ensure compliance with the USDA’s Smart Snacks in School Standards and to support the goals and objectives of the District’s Wellness Promotion Policy (2.035) and the School Food Service (SFS) Management Policy (6.185 Section 5), each school must:

  • Ensure that its Healthy School Team (HST) meets at least biannually.
  • Complete the required Food Fundraising Tracking Form (FY25) prior to each food fundraiser held on campus when food is sold to students during the school day (one entry form per fundraiser). The USDA has defined ‘school day’ as the period from midnight to 30 minutes after the end of the official school day (last bell).
    • The Fundraising Application/Recap (PBSD 0153) form must be completed by the activity sponsor, approved by the Principal, and submitted to the Treasurer for account assignment before any activity starts. Note: Charter schools do not need to complete form PBSD 0153.
    • Sponsor must provide an approved copy of form PBSD 0153 to the HST Lead only when food is sold to students on your campus during the school day.
  • Complete the required comprehensive Wellness Promotion Policy School Assessment. The Healthy School Team members may assist school administrators in completing this assessment when requested.

The District has various departments working in concert to create a ‘Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child’ (WSCC) culture…a true symphony of services improving learning and health. Each of these departments funnel information directly to their school counterparts or representatives on each campus. When assembling your school's HST, ensure that members from each WSCC component are included to establish a cohesive wellness culture.

The ten (10Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) components are listed below with an example of members that fall under each component to facilitate your school when establishing your school’s HST:

  1. Physical Education & Physical Activity = PE Teacher
  2. Nutrition Environment & Services = School Food Service (SFS) Manager, SFS staff member
  3. Counseling, Psychological & Social Services = School Behavioral Health Professional (SBHP), School Psychologist, School Counselor  
  4. Social & Emotional Climate = Skills for Learning & Life (SLL) Lead, Safe School Ambassador, Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Team (PBIS)/Internal Coach (IC), Single School Culture Coordinator, School Based Team (SBT) Leader, ESE Representative, Club/Activity Sponsors  
  5. Health Education = Health and/or Academic Teachers, School Counselor, Media Specialist 
  6. Health Services = School Nurse/Health Room Staff, 504 Designee/ESE Coordinator  
  7. Employee Wellness = Wellness Champion (Staff) 
  8. Physical Environment = Green Champion, School Police, School Garden Liaison, School Custodian, School Administration
  9. Family Engagement = Parents, ESOL Representative, Equity Representative, PTA/PTSA Representation, PTO/PTSO Representative, Title 1 Contact, School Administration and Faculty  
  10. Community Involvement = Non-for-Profit Organizations, Community Stakeholders, Students' Clubs and Organizations

Best wishes forming your HST and promoting the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model on your school campus.