Sample Report Cards and Progress Reports
All elementary students in grades K-5 will receive a Report Card three (3) times per year based on trimesters. If a student is enrolled in an Advanced Mathematics Program (AMP) or Dual Language Program, the students will receive an additional report card for each trimester. Additionally, students will also receive a mid-marking progress report. Samples of each are shown below.
Exceptional Student Education - Access Points Elementary Report Cards
These Guiding Documents Access Points Standards Aligned to Standards-Based Elementary Report Cards for Grades 1-5 are provided to assist in completing the B.E.S.T. standards-aligned report cards for students on access points. These documents should also be sent home with report cards to parents to review the aligned access points. Translations will be added to this link as soon as they are available.
Please contact Laura Schultze with any questions.
Click here for Guiding Document Access Points Standards Aligned to Standards-Based Elementary Report Cards for Grades 1- 5.
Sample Mid Marking Progress Reports
Sample Advanced Mathematics Plan (AMP)
Sample Advanced Mathematics Plan (AMP) Dual
Spanish Standards Based Dual Language Sample Report Cards