Frequently Asked Questions
- General
- Enrollment
- Annual Evaluation
- Termination
- Verification and Additional Forms
- Testing and Additional Services
Home Education is a parent-directed educational option that satisfies the requirement for regular school attendance. Florida Laws protecting home education became effective in 1985. Parents have the freedom to determine their child's educational path and the plan for reaching their goals. Students have the opportunity to explore and learn at their own pace, in any location or at any time. Home education students are able to enter institutions of higher learning and are eligible to participate in the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program. More than 106,000 students in approximately 75,000 families are in Home Education Programs throughout Florida.
The parent/guardian enrolling a student in a Home Education Program must:
- Maintain portfolio of records and materials including a daily log of educational activities (title/author of reading materials) and samples of student work products (e.g., worksheets, writing samples) for all subjects.
- Provide annual evaluation for each student no later than each anniversary of his/her date of registration.
Annual evaluations shall comply with one of the following:
- A Florida certified teacher chosen by the parent/guardian shall evaluate the child’s educational progress based on a review of the portfolio and discussion with the student; or
The student shall take a nationally-normed achievement test administered by a certified teacher; or - The student may take a state student assessment test used by the school district and administered by a certified teacher, at a location and under testing conditions approved by the school district. or
- The student shall be evaluated by a psychologist holding a valid, active license pursuant to the provisions of s. 490.003(7) or (8); or
- The student shall be evaluated with any other valid measurement tool (e.g., official transcript from an accredited correspondence program and/or FLVS Cumulative Academic Report).
Did you receive my Notice of Intent, Notice of Termination or Annual Evaluation?
If you submitted your Notice of Intent, Notice of Termination or Annual Evaluation via the Home Education website then there is a confirmation notice after you click submit. Print that page for your records. That is the only confirmation you will receive.
Will my child receive a high school diploma?
Students enrolled in Home Education do not receive a diploma, graduation or certificate of completion. Many of our students attend college. If your child stays in Home Education it is required to keep a portfolio and this will be useful in the college application process.
If you are looking for a diploma, Full Time PBVS is one of many options. For more information please visit their website: Palm Beach Virtual School
I want to return to public school. Will my grades and credits transfer?
If a home education student enrolls in a public school within Palm Beach County School District, grade placement and credits will be determined by the school administrators according to district policies and the Student Progression Plan. When registering at a public school, it is suggested that you take your child’s home education portfolio, curriculum, and annual evaluation(s).
Will my child be able to utilize the services of the zoned school guidance counselor?
Students enrolled with Home Education are not provided counseling by the zoned school. If you return to public school then you will be assigned a school counselor.
My child has completed their studies and is no longer a Home Education student. What should I do?
Submit a Notice of Termination Once we receive your submission we will withdraw the student. Please note your Annual Evaluation is due 30 days after your withdrawal.
To enroll a student into Home Education, Submit an Electronic Notice of Intent or submit a "Notice of Intent" by email, fax, or mail, with an electronic or handwritten signature on the form.
Once we receive your submission, we will enroll the student.
I have been homeschooling my child for several months. I just realized I never submitted a Notice of Intent. Can you backdate the enrollment to when I began homeschooling?
We cannot backdate enrollment. The date we receive the Notice of Intent is the date of your enrollment.
How do I enroll my child into Palm Beach Virtual School?
Please visit the Palm Beach Virtual School website for more information including enrollment.
I have enrolled with Florida Virtual School and they are requesting I submit Verification of Enrollment.
FLVS does not ask families for their home school verification. When a homeschool parent approves courses, they are asked to confirm that they did enroll with their county Home Education office, but they do not ask for a copy. However, FLVS is now asking homeschool families to upload proof of FL residence. Here is the list of approved documents.
- Gas, water, sewage, electric, or home/cellular telephone bill
- Rent receipt with name of lessee and contact information
- Lease agreement with name of lessee and contact information
- Mortgage statement or mortgage commitment
- Home purchase contract, including specified closing date, with copy of deed to be provided within 60 days of closing date
- Property tax statement
- Automobile insurance statement
- Current Florida driver’s license or Florida identification card
- Bank account statement
Annual Evaluation
To submit your Annual Evaluation please email For fastest processing please use the following steps:
- Emails should have the subject line as follows: First Name Last Name Annual Evaluation. For example subject Line: Jane Doe Annual Evaluation.
- Attachments should be in the form of a pdf and named as follows: First Name Last Name Annual MM.DD.YYYY For example Jane Doe Annual 01.15.2020.pdf
- If you use the form provided by our office please complete the top of the form and ensure your evaluator has completed Section I & II.
Your annual evaluation is due yearly on the anniversary of your enrollment.
Does the district provide an evaluator?
Evaluators must be a certified Florida teacher and is chosen by the parent/guardian. Many families reach out to the support groups for evaluators.
Why didn’t I receive a reminder for my annual evaluation this year?
Please mark your calendar to submit the Annual Evaluation each year on the anniversary of enrollment.
Submit an Electronic Notice of Termination or submit a "Notice of Termination" by email, fax, or mail, with an electronic or handwritten signature on the form.
Verification and Additional Forms
Complete the student and parent information on the FHSAA, Dual Enrollment or DMV form. Be sure to provide parent and/or student signature if requested on the form. Submit the complete form via email to We will sign the form for active and compliant students and return via email.
I need a Verification of Enrollment for my employer, college application, scholarship, SSA or another program.
To request Enrollment Verification send an email to and you will be provided with an Enrollment Verification via email.
Testing and Additional Services
Students enrolled in the Home Education program are not required to take state standardized tests. Students may choose to take the state assessments such as F.A.S.T, EOCs, AP Exams, PSAT, or SAT/ACT and can sign up by emailing
For school day administered SAT/ACT, PSAT, AP and ASVAB testing please contact the Testing Coordinator at your zoned school directly. Please be mindful of registration deadlines.
Are ESE services such as IEP, 504, speech therapy or occupational therapy offered to Home Education students?
A student enrolled in Home Education is entitled to ESE services such as testing, updating an IEP or 504 plan and access to direct services such as speech therapy or occupational therapy. You must contact your zoned school ESE Coordinator to set up an appointment.
Can I apply to a career program at the public school?
Career programs and/or career electives such as Culinary Arts, Television and Film Production or Medical Sciences are only available to public school students.
How can I join sports or extracurricular activities at my zoned school?
Contact your zoned school to register, submit medical documents and any other forms they may require.
How do I know which school is my zoned school?
To determine which school is your zoned school please visit the Find My Zoned School website.