Elementary K-5 Program
Elementary K-5 Program Options
Full-time virtual education for elementary students (K-5) is provided through our district partnership with K12 - a Stride Company and Edgenuity Virtual Academy. Prior to enrolling, careful consideration must be given to the choice of virtual education for each child and family.
Full-time virtual school students participate in all Florida State Assessments (FSA) and local assessments. State assessments must be taken in person on specified dates.
How Online Learning Works
K-5 Eligibility to Participate in the Elementary Full-Time Virtual Instruction Program
- A parent or guardian must be with the student during each school day to provide services as a Learning Coach and record required attendance 5 days a week.
- Children who are five years old on or before September 1 of the school year of enrollment are eligible to start kindergarten in August of that school year.
- To enter first grade, a child must be six years old on or before September 1 of the school year of enrollment and must have successfully completed kindergarten (Florida Statute 1003.21).
- Reside in Palm Beach County.
The full-time application of interest for grades K-5 for school year 2024-2025 is currently closed.
Accelerated Option for Elementary Students to take 6th Grade Math
As a component of our Virtual Learning Acceleration Options in Public Education, eligible students requiring math acceleration to the middle school level can elect to receive instruction online through Palm Beach Virtual School Franchise, while attending their brick-and-mortar school.
The Acceleration Project provides a teacher who monitors the student's progress, provides feedback on performance, and communicates with parents regarding the student's work.
The child's school of enrollment must approve all acceleration course requests. Please contact your current school counselor for more information.
Accelerated Options for 5th Grade