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Eligibility Criteria

Incoming K-5th Grade

  • A parent or guardian must be with the student during each school day to provide services as a Learning Coach and record required attendance 5 days a week.

Incoming Kindergarten

  • Children who are five years old on or before September 1, 2024, are eligible to start kindergarten in August 2024.

Incoming 1st Grade

  • To enter first grade, a child must be six years old on or before September 1, 2024, and must have successfully completed kindergarten (Florida Statute 1003.21).

Incoming 1st-8th Grade

  • Successful completion of the previous year
  • Proficient reader

Incoming 9th Grade

  • Promotion from 8th grade
  • Proficient reader
  • If applicable, minimum unweighted cumulative GPA of 2.0 with proficient scores on  Algebra 1 or Geometry EOC

Incoming 10th Grade

  • Proficient reader
  • Successful course completion of English 1 and Algebra 1 or Geometry
  • 6 minimum accumulated credits
  • Minimum unweighted cumulative GPA of 2.0

Incoming 11th Grade

  • Proficient scores on 10th grade Statewide ELA and Algebra 1 or Geometry EOC assessments, or concordant ACT/SAT/CLT Scores
  • Successful course completion of: English 1 and 2, Algebra 1 or Geometry, 1 science credit, and 1 social science credit
  • 12 minimum accumulated credits
  • Minimum unweighted cumulative GPA of 2.0

Incoming 12th Grade

  • In the correct graduation cohort
  • Proficient scores on 10th grade Statewide ELA and Algebra 1 or Geometry EOC assessments, or concordant ACT/SAT/CLT Scores
  • Successful course completion of: English 1, 2, 3, Algebra 1 and Geometry, 2 science credits, and 2 social science credits
  • 18 minimum accumulated credits
  • Minimum unweighted cumulative GPA of 2.0

Submitting an application does not guarantee enrollment to Palm Beach Virtual School. Students must meet all eligibility criteria for full-time enrollment.

Students with an IEP
In accordance with Rule 6A-6.0334, F.A.C., if an exceptional education student who has an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) applies to enroll in a full-time virtual program, the virtual program will determine if the student meets the profile for success in this educational delivery context. At the time of applying for enrollment with the Full-Time Virtual Program, families will be asked to submit a copy of any existing IEP. If the student’s IEP indicates that full-time virtual instruction is appropriate, and the student meets all other school enrollment criteria, then the student may be enrolled. All necessary ESE services and related services must be able to be delivered online in a virtual manner to students enrolled in our current virtual school program. If comparable services are not available or not appropriate in a full-time online environment, or if the IEP Review Team has concerns that a full-time online setting may not be the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) for the student, then other educational options will be discussed during the application process.

Students with disabilities are not restricted from participation in the full-time program nor exempt from meeting eligibility requirements. Current Individual Education Plans (IEP) of student applicants who meet the entrance criteria will be evaluated on an individual basis to determine the appropriateness of the virtual education option. Parents must be part of the IEP review process.