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SAC Questions & Answers

  1. Can SAC have an Ad Hoc committee work on Bylaws? Who can be a part of the committee? Does the voting SAC choose the committee members? Do they need to meet under Sunshine Law?  
    Yes, a SAC can have an Ad Hoc Committee work on bylaws and the composition of the Ad Hoc Committee would be formed in the same manner as SAC members. As noted in the Sample Bylaws, per Article VII, it states that the Committee "is also subject to Sunshine law requirements".

  2. If only two or three SAC voting members want to work on the Bylaws, do they also need to meet under Sunshine Law? 
    Yes, two or three SAC voting members would need to meet in the Sunshine since they are "subject to the Sunshine law requirements."

  3. Can Bylaws stipulate the amount of time a member of the public is permitted to speak on a topic? For example, when in the Board meeting speakers are permitted an "X" amount of time to speak. 
    Yes, the bylaws can state the amount of time a member of the public is permitted to speak on a topic as long as they comply with section 286.0114, F.S., and the public is given a "reasonable opportunity to be heard.".  A sample of that type of provision can be found in SB Policy 1.03-School Board Meetings. 

  4. Are there term limits for SAC membership? Are there term limits for SAC member officers? If so, can schools add the limits to their Bylaws? 
    There can be "term limits" for SAC membership and also for Officers.  See Sample Bylaws, per Article IV, it outlines "Tenure", specifically sections 1 through 3 regarding SAC members, and per Article VI, of the Sample Bylaws, it states that "Officers shall serve a maximum of two terms."  But note that term limits create vacancies that need to be monitored and filled.