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Parents/legal guardians may request a student reassignment to a school outside the student’s attendance area as outlined in the School Board Policy 5.015. Employees of Palm Beach County School District seeking a reassignment for their child must apply according to district and CTA guidelines. See below for application submission procedures.

Application for SY24-25
The window to apply for reassignment for the 2024-2025 school year is now closed. New teachers my contact the Choice Office via email for assistance

Already Applied?
Once you submit a reassignment request, please allow a minimum of 4–6 weeks for review and response.  Some requests may take longer to review depending upon your reason for the request.

Schools Open for Reassignment
The list of schools approved for each semester of the school year can change at any time during the application submission and review period as enrollment is constantly changing. Applicants requesting a transfer to a school that is not on the approved reassignment list will not be considered. Applying to an available school does not guarantee acceptance. Your request must be reviewed and support board policy.

  • The list of available schools will be available once the application opens.

District Employees
All school district employees may apply for reassignment within the designated application period. Applications for new employees or employees who are recently assigned to a new work site will be accepted late for consideration. Click here to visit the District Hub for Employee application information. Employees seeking assistance for student reassignment outside the application window may send a detailed email to

Requests by employees for the reassignment of their children, who are age and program-appropriate, to the employee’s assigned school or to a school that feeds into their assigned school, or to a school that receives students from their assigned school shall be approved within procedural guidelines outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement contract.  No reassignment is available to a school that has exceeded 100% of its Florida Inventory of School House (FISH) capacity per Florida DOE, unless the teacher is assigned to that particular school.* Please see CTA Agreement reviews for the Collective Bargaining Agreement for all procedural guidelines.

Effective Approval Dates
Unless otherwise specified, approved reassignments will be effective on the first day of the new school year or semester. Applying for a reassignment does not guarantee approval; all requests will be reviewed according to School Board Policy 5.015. Information regarding the criteria for reassignment and its approval can be found in the School Board Policy 5.015.

Transportation will not be provided for students on reassignment.

Applications are accepted online at  for SDPBC employees, senior last grade, and move into the zone. A letter with specific reason(s) why reassignment is being requested must be included with the application.

For additional information about reassignment, please send a detailed email to the Department of Choice and Career Options: