Counseling / Guidance

  • We are your school counselors and are here to support students in their journey through High School and their preparation for whatever comes after. We encourage all students and parents to become familiar with our school website: Here you can find answers to many of your questions.

    If you are looking for ways to get involved, check out the lists of clubs, activities, and sports available. The Counseling/Guidance section contains our contact information, graduation requirements, the Dual Enrollment Process, Scholarships, Community Service, a comprehensive section on all things college, and so much more!

    Students and parents - please check out:

    Freshmenology also found in the counseling section of our website. This PowerPoint presentation covers graduation requirements, earning credits, calculation of grade point average, and so much more!

    College and More, also found in the counseling section of our website.

    In an effort to be as accessible as possible, counselors are available at the guidance cart in the courtyard each day during both lunches. Students with questions or concerns can stop by. The best way to contact us is by email. We will do our best to get back to you within 48 hours.

    In conclusion, we are all here to do our best to help support all our students in their pursuit of an outstanding 23-24 school year!!