Speech & Debate Club

  • Debate is becoming popular again for its use in training good public speakers, practicing grace under pressure, and creating critical thinkers. Here at Dwyer High School, our student debaters have plenty of advantages. Whether you choose to join our debate club or the debate class, becoming a member of a political club is highly regarded. Here are just a few advantages: • Learning how to develop sound and logical arguments. • The opportunity to practice speaking in front of an audience and thinking on their feet. • The experience shows initiative and leadership on a college application. • The research debaters do expands their mind and increases their understanding of multiple sides of important issues. • Students hone their research skills in preparing for debates. Having good communication skills can help students in activities as ordinary as meeting new people or as special as making a wedding toast in front of a crowd, as debate helps you learn composure and comfort with speaking to others.

    Dwyer’s Debate Team meets every Thursday in Ms. Winstanley’s room after school. If you are interested in joining, stop by room 2-108!

    For more information about the Dwyer Debate Club, please email the sponsor:
    Ms. Winstanley