
  • Intramurals are held for a variety of sports/activities during the year.  Intramurals are traditionally held in the month before team tryouts.

    Intramurals provide the opportunity to work on skills and prepare for upcoming team tryouts (if applicable). 

    Intramurals are not team tryouts.

    Announcements for intramurals are made on our daily news and during announcements at all lunches. 

    • Kickball Intramurals - Please bring a water bottle, a healthy snack, and sneakers.  No Crocs allowed!
    • Volleyball Intramurals - Allows girls to have an opportunity to play volleyball, be active, and socialize while building self-esteem and social skills through teamwork.
    • Track for Boys Intramurals - Explore the different events of the track so they are more familiar with the events and work on conditioning before the track season. 
    • Track for Girls Intramurals - Keep on Track is a girls' running club. It is open to girls in grades 6, 7, and 8.