Biomedical Sciences


    The goal of the Healthcare Careers Outreach Program (HCOP), with the Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine at Florida Atlantic University, is to foster student interest in Medicine and prepare students to be college and medical school ready. Participating students will be mentored by FAU College of Medicine students during activities held on the FAU campus. Activities include field trips to the FAU Simulation Center, Anatomy Lab, dissections, college roadshow workshops and research experiences. Parent or guardian participation is expected. The FAU HCOP program supports underrepresented and under–served minorities in South Florida on their path towards Medicine. In the School District of Palm Beach County, all medical courses provide local honors credit. Clinical rotations are conducted at area hospitals and other healthcare and research facilities. Students successfully completing the 4 accelerated high school honors courses in middle school receive 4 high school credits and a program completion certificate in Biomedical Sciences. In addition, students sit for industry certification exams in healthcare and may receive articulated college credits at several post–secondary institutions.

    For more information, please contact Marta Galvez.

    Biomedical Sciences Academy Course Listing