Online Community Service

  • The 911 Good Samaritan Law is 12 minutes long and offers the viewer an hour of community service by typing their name on a certificate.

    The Vaping Dangers presentation is 15 minutes long and offers the viewer an hour of community service by typing their name on a certificate.

    Contact Congress about important Issues
    The United States Congress needs to hear more about the issues affecting communities around the country, such as issues faced by American youth.  Emailing a member of Congress is one way to champion this cause. Students can receive 1 hour per letter. Submit a copy of your letter to your counselor. 

    Algebra Nation Community Service Opportunity
    Students can earn hours for virtually tutoring a younger student (including siblings), or students can earn hours if it is necessary for them to provide childcare for younger siblings.  For students who use these options, the parent should send an email to the school counselor indicating how many hours per day and days per week the student was tutoring or responsible for the care of younger siblings.  If the parent does not have an email address or does not write, the student can send an email to the counselor with this information and the counselor (or a CLF) will call the parent to verify the hours. 

    Foster an animal - 4 hours a day
    Peggy Adams
    Palm Beach County
    Big Dog Ranch

    Thank a Hospital worker link