Dress Code

  • It Is a fundamental function of the District to create and maintain a positive educational environment by devoting attention to learning, Increasing school safety, encouraging good behavior and discipline, and minimizing disruptions and distractions. The Board believes that appropriate attire and grooming contribute to a productive and effective learning environment. Thus, all students are expected to be groomed and dressed appropriately for age, grade level, school, and school activities. 

    Student attire or grooming that substantially or potentially disrupts the educational environment or school program creates a distraction which Interferes with the educational process or classroom activity, or presents a health or safety hazard to tM students or school community Is not permitted. The determination of what constitutes a safety or health hazard, or what constitutes a distraction of students from a classroom activity, or what constitutes a disruption of a school program or excessive maintenance of school property shall be made by the principal or designee. The principal or designee shall have final authority to decide If a student's attire complies with a dress code or uniform dress code, end shall use reasonable discretion In Interpreting and implementing the provisions of this policy. The dress and uniform codes as described below shall be applicable for the District. Additionally, schools may have additional requirements as allowed by Policy 5.182. 

    District-Wide Student Dress Code 

    To help create the best learning environment for District students, the District-Wide Dress Code mu;t be observed In all District schools. This Code provides a minimaI district-wide dress code which should apply even if a school implements a School Specific (Standard) Dress Code or Higher Standard (Uniform) Dress Code as provided in this policy. Specifically, the following attire is unacceptable in District schools:

    • Attire with language or Images that are crude, vulgar, profane, lewd/obscene, sexually explicit, or sexually suggestive.
    • Attire with symbols, mottoes, words or acronyms that promotes Illegal or violent conduct, such as gang symbols, the unlawful use of weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco or drug paraphernalia, or clothing that contains threats. 
    • Attire associated with discrimination on the basis of age, color, handicap, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, race, religion, or sex.
    • Clothing traditionally designed as undergarments, such as boxer shorts or sleepwear, may not be worn as outer garments.
    • Clothing that is sexually suggestive or revealing (examples include, but is not limited to, clothing which exposes the midriff, exposes one's undergarments, have plunging necklines, muscle tops, backless clothing, and are constructed of see-through materials.
    • Attire that may be used as a weapon, including but not limited to, steel toed shoes; large, long or heavy waist or other chains; studded or chained accessories; items with spikes; and other items deemed inappropriate by an individual school site.
    • Articles of clothing that cause excessive maintenance problems for school property, such as, shoe cleats that scratch floors or tear rugs, trousers with metal rivets that scratch furniture, etc. Clothing which, because of fit, design, color, texture, inadequate coverage, or some other factor, creates classroom or school disorder or distracts the attention of another student or students in any class in session from the lesson being presented or from any other assigned school activity, or which creates a safety or health hazard for any student in the school. 
    • Jewelry worn in a manner that presents a safety health hazard or causes a major disruption to the educational process. (examples may be chains hanging from the belt pocket or attached to the wallet.
    • Footwear which does not provide adequate protection or hygienic measures.
    • A student who fails to maintain personal cleanliness, grooming, or neatness of dress to the extent that presence In the classroom creates classroom or school disorder or distracts the attention of others from assigned classroom activity will be required to maintain a level of personal cleanliness, grooming, or neatness of dress that eliminates the disorder or the distraction of other students in the classroom.