School Nurse

  • Welcome to Morikami Park Elementary!

    As your school nurse I want to welcome you and your child to Morikami and to assure you that your child will have a registered nurse on site. School nurses are available to treat anything from minor scrapes to the management of chronic and emergent conditions during school hours.

    Your child's immunizations need to be up to date and an annual physical must be completed. Your pediatrician will give you a completed copy of the immunization (blue) form and the physical (yellow) form. Please note that the physical form is a two-sided form, one side is completed by the physician and the other side is completed by the parent.

    Please be advised that your child should be kept home from school for any of the following symptoms:

    • Fever greater than 100 degrees by mouth (It is recommended that your child returns to school only after they have been fever free for a minimum of 24 hours without fever reducing medication).
    • Vomiting or diarrhea (It is recommended that your child returns after being symptom free for 24 hours).
    • Frequent congested or wet cough and/or chills, fatigue, weakness, and muscle aches.

    If your child is to receive any medication during school hours or you would like to have over the counter medication available for use the following criteria MUST be followed:

    1. A completed Physician's Authorization Form signed by the physician as well as the parent. This form is available at the pediatrician's office and NO medication will be administered without this form. This is required for each school year and must be completed by the prescribing physician for all medications.
    2. Medication MUST be in the original container as received from the pharmacy and labeled with the same instructions as directed on the Physician's Authorization Form. Expired medications cannot be accepted.
    3. Medication MUST be brought to the clinic by the parent/guardian with a current photograph of the student. Please do not send your child to school with any medication in their pockets or backpacks, including cough or sore throat drops.

    I look forward to meeting you and your child. We make every effort to keep all of the children safe, healthy, and happy. Please feel free to call the clinic at 561-894-7320 if you have any questions or concerns.

    Sincerely, "Nurse Kelli"
    Kelli Fisch, MSN, RN