Supply List

  • Students will need the supplies from the general supply list below as well as the items listed under each content area.

    General Supplies for All classes:
    2” Heavy Duty Binder (1 for all classes)
    Poly Pocket Dividers (24 for the year)
    Assorted colored Highlighters (1 pack/9 weeks)
    Pencils (1 box/ 9 weeks)
    Black or Blue colored pens (1 pack/ 9 weeks)
    USB Flash drive 16GB (1)
    Loose leaf wide rule lined paper (1 pack/ 9 weeks)
    Erasers (1 pack/ 9 weeks)
    4 Hand held sharpeners
    4 Headphones (dollar store) 1 per 9-weeks to be used during individual computer time.

    ELA (6th-8th Grade)
    500 sheet white copy paper (1 ream)
    Colored pencils (1 box)

    Math (6th-8th Grade)
    Loose leaf graphing paper (1 pack)
    Ruler (1)
    Composition notebook (2)

    Science (6th-8th Grade)
    Loose leaf graphing paper (3 packs)
    Composition notebook (3)
    Glue sticks (2 packs)

    7th and 8th Grade Algebra 1 & Geometry Students Only
    Scientific Calculator TI 30XA