Transcript Request

  • Santaluces Records Office: (561) 642-6211

    Current Students and Recent Graduates: $3 Transcript Requests for hard copies - click the request link below. Hard Copy Transcripts are picked up in the main office or mailed directly to the schools. Electronic Transcripts can be sent directly to schools through the Parchment Exchange.

    Out-of-County/State Requests: You can request a hard  through the Transcript Request Form and mail $3.00 Check or Money Order to the School (address above) with "attention: Main Office Clerk." Be sure to include the student's name in the memo line.

    If you graduated more than 3 years ago: Your transcripts are still available through the School District of Palm Beach County. Contact School District Records Management at (561) 434-8029, or go to and click "Request Student Transcripts.