Kindergarten FAQ

  • When is the first day of school?

  • What is Staggered Start?

  • Parent Drop-Off and Pick-Up

  • What are the possible ways my child can be dismissed from school?

  • What if there is a change in how my child is going home?

  • Typical Kindergarten Day (not necessarily in this order):

  • What will be taught in Kindergarten?

  • Curriculum Information

  • Will my child have access to computers in the classroom?

  • What else will be included in my child’s learning?

  • Will my child go out on the playground?

  • What can I have my child practice over the summer?

  • What can I do with my child over the summer?

  • What are some ways that I can help my child with lunch?

  • What Assessments are given in Kindergarten?

  • Are there any additional supplies we need to purchase?