• Please help me congratulate Kristen Kellman (8th Grade) and Caitlyn Panse (7th Grade) for placing 1st and 2nd place in the Jean and Jules Kluger Holocaust Visual Arts & Writing Contest. I could not be more proud of these amazing students.  This is an incredible honor for these students as well as Crestwood Middle School. Please see their incredible artwork and essays attached below.
    Ms. Trish Duebber M.Ed.
    Art Teacher 
    Kellman Kristen FY23 7th Grade Holocaust Drawing of Arms and Hands and Essay
    For my piece, I decided to signify holocaust victims being recognized by not their names, but by their numbers.  Jews were given these tattoos so Nazi soldiers could identify who was who, but now these tattoos are used to symbolize the brutality of the concentration camps. The words “We Are One” and arms linking are used to signify unity and how the Jews were all connected, the arms linking on to each other reminded me of the chains that were put on the Jews, and how the Jews did not have any freedom under Hitler and felt imprisoned by him.
    Kellman Kristen FY23 7th Grade Holocaust Drawing of Arms and Hands and Essay
    Panse Caitlyn FY23 6th Grade Holocaust Drawing of Arm with Tatooed Number and Essay
    This piece shows a survivor of a Holocaust concentration camp pulling back their sleeve to show the faded tattoo still imprinted onto their forearm. The black-and-white theme describes the sad, miserable times people had to endure. I created this piece to express and teach others how horrible the times were and to show how the tattoo left on people's arms will always remind them of the times they had gone through.
    This piece shows a survivor of a Holocaust concentration camp pulling back their sleeve to show the faded tattoo still imprin