Student Government

  • Student Government is open to all grades (6th, 7th, and 8th). Throughout the school year, Student Government will meet weekly to discuss a wide variety of issues, ideas, and services to the school. Students will find ways to serve both at Eagles Landing and the community.

    SGA is about giving students a chance to be student leaders, role models, young mentors, and giving the students a voice in day-to-day activities that go on at Eagles Landing. 

    Elections will be held for the following positions and all students are eligible to vote:

    • Student Government President – 8th grade only eligible
    • Student Government Vice President – 8th grade only eligible
    • Student Government Secretary – 7th and 8th grade eligible
    • Student Government Treasurer – 7th and 8th grade eligible
    • Student Government Historian – All grades eligible
    • Student Government Class President - (6th, 7th, or 8th grade) 

    All other members of the Student Government will automatically be named as a representative for their respective grade levels with various responsibilities, depending on which committee they serve on.

    This year's Committees will include Spirit Committee, Student Relations, Faculty Relations, Community Service, and Fundraising. There will be plenty of opportunities for everyone to get involved.

    Although ELMS Student Government is a volunteer organization, it is expected that all students who commit to joining will remain active and involved for the entire school year. 

    If you wish to join SGA, an interest meeting will be held during the 2nd week of school (More information to come).  Permission slips will be required in order to participate in SGA. 

    Meetings will be held in person in room 161.

    Please contact Mr. Ralph Deus if you have any questions.