- Osceola Creek Middle
- Choice Programs
- Pre-Veterinary/Equine
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9th–12th Grade Veterinary Assisting Florida State Standards are used to drive direct instruction, while incorporating basic veterinary tech skills.
Each year covers: taxonomy, history of domestication, behavior, care and handling, nutrition, reproduction and common diseases of …- Vet 1 - Careers in vet medicine, safety, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and pocket pets, body systems and human/animal bond
- Vet 2 - Domestic species and Florida state wildlife and exotic species
- Vet 3 - Agricultural species and equine (using Florida Equine State Standards)
The Equine/Pre-Veterinary Program is a three-year preparatory program for the middle school student that will emphasize science and math skills while preparing students to pursue veterinary medicine and/or animal sciences on the high school level. Equine topics will be introduced and students will complete related field work and participate in labs with guest speakers from the field of veterinary and equine science.
Students in this program will take career courses combined with the highest level math and science courses, culminating with high school level courses including: Algebra 1 Honors, Geometry Honors, and Earth Space Honors.
Qualities for Success in Pre-Vet
- Enjoy working with animals
- Self-motivated
- Responsible
- Ability to handle animals in a gentle and calm manner.
- Ability to recall and follow multi-step directions.
- Ability to complete detailed oriented tasks.
- Remain on-task without excessive adult prompting
- Able to get along with others and work as a productive member of a team.
- Ability to work in a busy atmosphere with several different activities happening at once.
- Not allergic to animals or hay
Criteria to Remain in Pre-Vet Program
- Maintain 3.0 g.p.a. in Pre-Vet Program
- Maintain 2.0 overall g.p.a.
- Adhere to P.B.C. Code of Conduct
Grounds for Probation
- Not meeting the above criteria
- Five unexcused absences within a month or 10 within a 90 day period.
- Two level 2 discipline referrals in one marking period.
Grounds for Dismissal from Program
- Not meeting minimum g.p.a
- Violating terms of probation
- Level 3 or 4 code of conduct violation
- Additional unexcused absences while on probation for lack of attendance
Species Covered
- What is Vet-Med?
- Safety / Zoonotics
- Fish
- Amphibians
- Reptiles
- Birds
- Pocket Pets: Rats, Hamsters, Gerbils, Guinea Pigs
- Rabbits
- Chinchillas
- Ferrets
- Hedgehogs
- Cats
- Dogs
- Wildlife & Exotics
- Swine
- Goats
- Sheep
- Cattle
- Horses
- Poultry
- Communication in a work environment