OCMS Mission and Vision Statement

  • Osceola Creek Middle School Vision and Mission Statement

    OCMS Mission Statement

    We strive to educate students and to assist them in realizing their full potential as responsible, productive, contributing members of society by providing an educational environment in which students are challenged, excellence is expected and differences are valued. 

    Vision Statement
    Osceola Creek Middle School parents and staff have determined that our vision is the fostering of a positive school climate where a sense of ownership, support, trust, and involvement is created.  We all share the responsibility for the success of our students.  The dignity of each student is essential in the way we educate.  We encourage all students to use their own initiative and respect their opinions and ideas.  Each student has a right to learn, to feel safe, to ask questions, to make learning choices, and to have a chance to share ideas.  Our staff is committed to positive change and innovative approaches to the way we promote the intellectual, academic, creative and social development of our students.  The success of an integrated, multi-functional school depends upon excellent teamwork.  Osceola Creek Middle School parents and staff are committed to provide that teamwork.  It is through our Professional Learning Committee Meetings and collaboration with the community that we will meet our mission statement.